Why Buy Travel Insurance?
We understand that your trip can take a year to save for, but only a second to ruin. While you can't do anything to prevent an unexpected storm from closing the airport, you can do something to help cover your travel investment; you can buy travel insurance.
To illustrate the importance of purchasing travel insurance, we have selected some of the common examples of what could go wrong.
* It's 10 p.m. and you and your traveling companion arrive at the airport for a connecting flight, only to find that your flight has been cancelled. Who can assist you with finding new flights to catch up with your trip?
Buy travel insurance to ease your worries! |
* Your bag was lost with your insulin inside. You need help to locate your bag as soon as possible and have your emergency prescription filled. Who do you call?
* You arrive at your destination without your wallet. Where do you turn for emergency cash, and who will help you get your credit cards replaced?
* If a member of your immediate family becomes seriously ill forcing you to cancel your trip, what happens to your non-refundable deposits or payments?
* You arrive on time, but your luggage doesn't. If it's lost, who will help you find it? If it's delayed, who will pay for your necessities? If it's stolen, who will pay to replace it?
* You slip and fall and twist your knee! Who can help you find an orthopedic doctor that specializes in knees injuries?
* Three weeks before your scheduled arrival, a terrorist incident occurs in a city you are scheduled to visit. Who will pay if you want to cancel your trip?
* You are involved in an accident and adequate medical treatment is not available at the location. Who will help arrange for medical emergency evacuation and who will pay, when your own health plan does not provide this benefit?