Page 11 - 2015_MV_Asia
P. 11
Terms & Conditions
1. All fares are quoted in U.S. Dollars and are based on tariffs and rates of Majestic Vacations, as a tour operator, acts only as agent. All travel
currency exchange in effect as of October 2014. These rates are subject to arrangements included in this trip are made on the participants behalf upon
change as deemed necessary by Majestic Vacations. Should flight schedule the express condition that, neither Majestic Vacations, nor its agents, shall be
changes require Majestic Vacations to extend the trip by adding 1 night to liable or responsible in the absence of its (or their) negligence for any direct,
the package, the additional cost will be assessed to each customer. indirect, consequential, irregularity of any kind which may be accessioned
by reason of any act or omission of any person or entity, including without
2. Majestic Vacations reserves the right to cancel the tour when the total limitation, any act of negligence or breach of contract of any third-party
number of participants falls below 10. such as airline, cruise vessel, boat, train, private car, bus, motor coach, or of
any other mode of conveyance, of hotels, of sightseeing, and local ground
3. Tour Programs will be narrated only in the language specified for that handler, etc., which is to supply or does supply any goods or services for
departure. Please make sure that speakers of English only or Spanish only this trip. Participant understands that Majestic Vacations neither owns nor
are booked on the appropriate tours. operates such third-party suppliers and accordingly agrees to seek remedies
directly and only with those suppliers and not hold Majestic Vacations
4. Passport / Visas: All tour members’ passports must be valid for at least 6 responsible for their acts, omissions, or commission. Without limiting the
months validity AFTER the return date of the tour. Majestic Vacations is foregoing, Majestic Vacations and its agents are furthermore not responsible
not responsible when you are denied entrance for any reason at a foreign for any losses or expenses incurred due to any of the following: delay or
country, even if you have a valid passport and visa. A single-entry visa to changes of schedule, overbooking of accommodations, default of any third
China costs $180 if arranged by Majestic Vacations for U.S. Citizens. Please parties, sickness, weather, strike, acts of God, acts of terrorism, force majeure,
inquire directly at Majestic Vacations about visa requirements to other acts of government’s civil disturbances, war, quarantine, customs regulations,
countries. epidemics, criminal activity, or any other cause beyond the control of Majestic
Vacations. All such losses or expenses have to be borne and be paid for by the
5. Baggage: Baggage is the sole responsibility of the traveler. Check-in participant.
luggage allowance for the transoceanic flights is generally 2 pieces that Majestic Vacations accepts no responsibility for value, reliability, quality or
weigh no more than 50lbs. Most airlines limit carry-on baggage to 1 piece authenticity of any goods purchased on a tour or for any mailing, freight or
per person that must be small enough to fit under the seat. Please check shipping arrangements.
directly with your airline for their latest baggage requirements and related Majestic Vacations reserves the right to decline, to accept, or to retain any
excess charges. Baggage allowances on domestic China flights are limited person as a tour participant should that person’s health, mental condition,
to 44 lbs. physical infirmity or general condition impede the operation of the tour or
the rights, welfare, or enjoyment of other tour participants.
6. Charges for Children: For children 11 or under, if they share a room with Majestic Vacations reserves the right to substitute hotels, and alter the
2 adults and do not request an extra bed, they will be charged the listed itinerary, withdraw any tour and make any desirable alteration for the
child rate. If an extra bed is required in the room, they must pay 90% of the convenience of the operation of the tours. Majestic Vacations reserves
adult rate. Children 12 and over will be charged the full adult price. the right to cancel the tour prior to departure for any reason. Liability for
such cancellations limited to full refund of the money received by Majestic
7. Deviation Charge: In addition to the hotel or airline charge, there will be a Vacations and this will constitute full settlement with the tour member. All
$75 charge for any deviation from the tour. tour fares shown, except in China, are based on the present value of the
foreign currencies in relation to the U.S. Dollar on October 2007 and current
8. Change Fee: One change is allowed free of charge after your reservation is tariffs on the same date. All tour fares therefore are subject to change. In
confirmed if made more than 45 Days prior to departure. A $75 fee will be China, costs are quoted by the Chinese handling travel agency. Increases
charged for any subsequent changes. Once documents or air tickets have in cost of any service within China, tour fares and hotels are subject to
been issued, no changes are permitted. adjustment. The right is reserved to cancel the tour prior to departure for
any reason. In such case, a full refund of all payments will constitute a full
9. Majestic Vacations reserves the right to exclude any person as a tour settlement with the participant. The Chinese handling travel agency has sole
member when such person’s health, mental condition, physical infirmity, and exclusive control over the operation of all tours in China. The Chinese
or general condition impede the operation of the tour or the rights, handling travel agency reserves the right to make alterations or adjustments
welfare, or enjoyment of other tour members. Any unused tour features, in the itinerary as to destinations, transportation, accommodations and all
either cruise/land arrangements or air transportation, is not refundable, other services. Neither Majestic Vacations nor any subsidiary or affiliate of
transferable or exchangeable. Majestic Vacations shall be responsible for any such alterations made by the
Chinese handling travel agency.
10.Shopping: Our Majestic Vacations tour guides are happy to assist you Baggage is carried at the owner risk and baggage insurance is recommended.
with any shopping requirements, however Majestic Vacations is not Majestic Vacations is not responsible for typographical or printing errors or
responsible for any items purchased at shops on this tour. Any after sales omissions in the brochure. Majestic Vacations accepts no responsibility for
correspondence must be between the shop and the customer. cost, which may occur as results of a participant failing to secure adequate
insurance coverage, which coverage is highly recommended. Generally, your
11.Health: To ensure the smooth operation of the tour, Majestic Vacations health insurance does not cover expense outside the USA. Majestic Vacations
recommends that travelers be in good health. Please consult your doctor is not responsible for participant’s visa or passport requirements, nor will a
regarding your wellness and any physical limitations to traveling long refund of unused services be made, nor reimbursement of any additional
distances or high altitudes in Tibet. Any physical or mental disability which expenditure if the participant is denied entry to a country for this or any other
requires special treatment, access, or assistance, must be noted at the time reason.
of reservation.
12.Late Booking: Last minute booking (inside 30 Days prior to departure) will
be assessed a $50 per person surcharge and will be taken only with full
payment and subject to availability.
13.The airlines, airports, bus company, hotels, cruise lines, or local travel
agency have their own regulations and insurance policies protecting it’s
clients regarding to safety and other issues related to the trip. Customers
should contact related operator directly since Majestic Vacations is not
responsible for what the insurance of the third-party operator is providing.
14.By making a reservation and sending payment to Majestic Vacations, the
tour member agrees to and consents to all terms and conditions presented
in this brochure.
The company is not responsible for omissions or errors of printing or
presentation in brochures, on the internet, or through any other media where
such information maybe presented. The company reserves the right to make
corrections as required.